At the heart of our ministry is a desire to connect students to Jesus Christ at the University of Michigan. Much of our efforts in ministry during the first few weeks of the school year are focused around that and we’ve found that most students fall into three categories regarding spirituality: skeptical, exploring and committed. We are dedicating our ministry to helping students in each situation take their next steps with God. We hope to share stories with you throughout the year that give you a glimpse into God’s work in the lives of students at the University of Michigan.

Our group of Cru students in West Quad
The Skeptic: about 25% of emerging adults fall into this category. With the intellectual rigor and focus of the University of Michigan, we’ve found that to be a bit higher than the general population of emerging adults. While most are sincere and thoughtful in their skepticism, some can be hostile to the gospel. All of our students know someone that would identify him or herself as skeptical of religious and spiritual things and we look forward to helping our mentees learn how to engage in thoughtful and constructive conversation that can build bridges from their friend’s skeptical viewpoint to an aspect of the gospel that is compelling and transformative.
The Explorer: about 40% of students at U-M are exploring spiritual things. While some may be agnostic, or apathetic and consequently not making the spiritual dimension of their life a priority, others are actively seeking out ways to connect with students who are more committed to a religious tradition and find out more about it. Students like these are joining our Community Groups, small group Bible Study, attending our weekly All-Campus Gathering and our social events. We are eagerly trusting the Lord to bring many of them in to a relationship with himself through our community fellowship, Biblical teaching and evangelism initiatives this year. We spend most of our evangelism engaged with “explorers.”
The Committed: the remaining 35% of students come into the University experience committed to a religious background or spiritual philosophy. These students include Christians that have known Christ all of their lives, students identifying as Christian but not actively living it out and their counterparts in other religions like Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, or Buddhism.
Student Leadership: Most of the students leading in our ministry as underclassmen fall into the “committed” category. They came into college looking to get plugged into Christian community and intentionally grow in their faith and joined our community. It brings life to our ministry to meet students who have walked with the Lord their whole lives and join our ministry because they are passionate about being Christ-centered disciples who believe, teach and share the gospel. Another portion of the students leading in our ministry became believers during college through the Cru ministry. We spend much of our time meeting one-on-one to disciple them in walking with the Lord in the midst of college and its social, emotional, financial and intellectual demands.
Regardless of where a student may be during their time at the University of Michigan, we hope to connect them to Jesus Christ. We’re currently seeing students find loving community that implores them to be reconciled to Christ, teaching that encourages them in their faith and ministry opportunities that ground them in the gospel through Cru. Bryan and I both found this to be true in our lives during our time in Cru and we look forward to cultivating a ministry that helps others find it to be true as well. Next month we’ll bring you some updates on a few of the students we’re developing relationship with and their stories.
Knedgen Family Update:
It’s been a joy to be back on campus! We are grateful to the Lord and deeply blessed by all of your financial partnership and prayers. Its been significantly impactful to have so many people affirm our calling to work with Cru and make the sacrifices each of you do to do it. We’re excited to share some answers to prayer and needs for prayer for the coming months:
Highlights of kicking off the school year:
Angela: I’ve been blessed by the gratitude of our leaders for intentional training and discipleship. Its also enriching and satisfying to use my my spiritual gifts so clearly in ministry with students.
Bryan: I’ve been blessed by the privilege of discipling young men who desire to seek the Lord and grow in intimacy with him.
Martel: “I’m thankful for racecars and Jesus!” Martel aslo started 4 day a week preschool and his favorite thing about it is his friends. We’ve also been blessed as parents to experience the fruit of years of parenting manifesting itself in such a sweet, thoughtful, fun and joyful son.
Please Pray:
- For freshman to connect with students that love Jesus and will connect them to Christian community
- Current students to reconnect with our ministry rather than committing to other things that will not satisfy
- For Fall Getaway Oct. 14-16
- For Bryan as he prepares to speak at our All-Campus Gathering