God with us…A story of God making his dwelling in Erica’s life
Josie, a second year intern with Cru, first met Erica at the U-M Cru meeting during welcome week two months ago. During their drive to Fall Getaway, Josie took some time to catch up with Erica about her classes, roommates, and general experience so far at U-M. Erica shared that she had never known someone who had a relationship with Jesus before she checked out Cru with her roommate and felt unsure that God was real before getting to know some people who love and know him in the Cru community group in her dorm.
It is such an encouragement to us that God is using Cru to change Erica’s life. He is working through her bible study leaders (Ellery and Lilly, two student leaders in the area of campus we will be coaching with Josie, are her community group leaders.) and members to continue helping her connect with him.
Following Fall Getaway, on the drive home with Josie, Erica shared that she learned many things she’d never heard before: about the extent of God’s love for us, how we can offer compassion and hope to people we know who don’t follow him, and how to grow more in her faith going forward.
Erica, Ellery and Lilly are why we are inviting people to join with us in God’s Mission at the University of Michigan and in the world. We’re excited to help students like Erica process their place in God’s Story of Redemption during college and for the rest of their lives.
Woven into the fabric of stories like Erica’s are your prayers, financial and relational support. We greatly appreciate the sacrifices you are making on our behalf through your prayers and financial gifts and consider it a great privilege to share our prayer and financial needs with you. . We’ve come a long way in the last 16 months, are grateful to the Lord for his provision and are eager to get on campus. Please pray for us to remain encouraged and steadfast as we trust the Lord for our remaining 30% of monthly giving commitments to come in quickly.
Indianapolis Christmas Conference: Dec.28 – Jan.1s

This years theme: THIS CHANGES EVERYTHING… “In a world of worn out promises, there is One who can be trusted – One whose guarantees are certain. And He says, come to me. Trust what I say. And you will be satisfied. This One – Jesus Christ – isn’t in the business of selling cheap fixes. He’s not interested in making bargains; He’s already given the greatest gift. This year, IndyCC invites you to hear his voice.” |