Exciting Chaplain Candidate News!
Bryan was approved for ordination in the Evangelical Presbyterian Chruch (EPC)! It’s been a long haul of seminary at Covenant Theological Seminary and paper and oral exams in the Midwest Presbyterian of the EPC, but he passed the ordination exams and was approved on February 21! The next step will be his instillation service later this spring followed by application for approval and commission as a Chaplain in the US ARMY Reserves. We’re excited to be so close. We’ll keep you updated on the finalization of the date for his service at Knox Presbyterian Church in Ann Arbor. You’re welcome to attend!
Denver Christmas Conference
This year’s theme, “Wherever You Are,” was both an invitation and a promise to experience the power of the gospel – God with us and for us, wherever we are.
Our first speaker addressed the reality of the privilege we experience as American believers. We have access to solid Biblical teaching and translations, trained pastors, and freedom of worship and expression of our religion. As Christ’s Ambassadors, we should be good stewards of the resources given to us and utilize that blessing to bring the gospel to places it has never been or is not hallowed, in America and abroad.
Another significant portion of this year’s conference dealt with sexuality and sexual brokenness. There are unfortunately few college-aged students who are not wrestling with these issues – thinking either that there is no problem, or feeling ashamed and trapped. This is where so many are.
One of our speakers, Pastor Mike Erre, led us in realigning our thoughts about sexuality as God intended, under His canopy (Hebrew “chuppah”) of blessing and glory. As we walked through Genesis and Song of Solomon, Mike aimed at reorienting the way we approach the topic, not around “Thou shalt not,” but around the goodness, and glory, and intended freedom of God’s “Thou shalt…” Naked and unashamed in the context of marriage between a man and a woman.
Midway through the conference, hundreds of students stepped out from their seats to pray, expressing their desire to move back under God’s design. Their need was so palpable. Sexual brokenness is a regular part of the college experience. It is a joy to be a part of a ministry that cares about helping students wrestle with how the gospel should impact our sexuality. Many students turned away from isolation and the debilitating and enslaving power of sin to the beginnings of freedom in Jesus.